places to visit > uk and eire

Handy web cams

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Most are actually already listed on the UKB Wiki page anyway (I reckon they based their list on it  :) ).

Just added a few for Lancs. Should be useful for Thorn Crag, Limestone areas, Crag Stones, Longridge and crags near Preston. Would be good to find some for other areas - Bolton Quarries, Rossendale Moors etc.


--- Quote from: r-man on December 18, 2012, 11:49:51 am ---Just added a few for Lancs. Should be useful for Thorn Crag, Limestone areas, Crag Stones, Longridge and crags near Preston. Would be good to find some for other areas - Bolton Quarries, Rossendale Moors etc.

--- End quote ---

Nice one cheers.

Looks neater if you embed them as...

--- Code: ---[ Chipping near Longridge and Crag Stones]

--- End code --- oppossed to...

--- Code: --- [Chipping near Longridge and Crag Stones]

--- End code ---

Ah, I actually thought it looked neater the way I did it - makes the location easier to read, it's a pain scanning through lots of blue links. Don't mind either way though.

Just added one for Haworth, West Yorkshire. Should be useful for Earl Crag and Widdop area.

Sorry, just had another look. Yes, the embedding way is neater.


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