technical > music production

Vocal recording

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Johnny Brown:
I know most of you are doing more beats n shit, but me julie wants to record her singing. We have a 4-track, but the quality ow awful. So I'm looking at trying it on the pc.

We don't have even have a mic at the mo, budget is about £50, options seem to be

a) computer mic, plug into soundcard. Any experiences on how bad this is likely to be?

b) decent recording mic, plus a pre-amp, and I expect a new soundcard? I daresay this could cost hundreds, any tips?

Norton Sharley:
See PM


--- Quote ---a) computer mic, plug into soundcard. Any experiences on how bad this is likely to be?
--- End quote ---

Very bad, proceed directly to B:

--- Quote ---b) decent recording mic, plus a pre-amp, and I expect a new soundcard? I daresay this could cost hundreds, any tips?
--- End quote ---

Pre amp and soundcard (input only) can be the same thing. I've not heard this: but I'd imagine it would be more than adequate for your needs.
As for mics; you get what you pay for, Behringer have a rep for making cheap stuff that's basically a copy of more expensive gear. This may be OK as a cheap large format electret:

Johnny Brown:
Nice one guys, that's useful. That pre-amp looks like a good idea, more than we want to spend at the mo though, will ask the bro-in-law what he reckons..


--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on October 28, 2009, 02:24:14 pm ---Nice one guys, that's useful. That pre-amp looks like a good idea, more than we want to spend at the mo though, will ask the bro-in-law what he reckons..

--- End quote ---

Mic and pre/USB interface combined:
Listening to the sound samples it sounds like a bargain at £50.


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