the shizzle > food & drink

Bringing home the bacon


Yes. it's that time of year again.

I've just set my first flitch of bacon to cure, this one's with rosemary and rose petals.

Results will be published in four or five days.

The smoker will be completed by the end of the weekend so the next batch will be special.

SA Chris:
Is it kosher? :)

I just wish somebody in this skyfairy-forsaken country at the arse-end of the world would start importing decent bacon. The local stuff is, to use the local vernacular, a bit ordinary. Haven't had a really top-notch bacon sarnie or really good bacon & eggs now for four years!!

--- Quote from: SA Chris on October 28, 2009, 08:23:26 am ---Is it kosher? :)

--- End quote ---


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