places to visit > conditions reports (isitgreasy on twitter)

Grit conditions

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I'm struggling to get excited by (m)any topics on ukb at the mo, I know it's been a long summer for you gritstone heads, and so I invite some positivity for the first ideal conditions report of the year:
Up my way it'll be between 2 and 6 degrees!
Early morning bikeride on Thursday anyone? I know I'll be making the most of it with my present early morning wake-up calls.

How can you not get excited by the Crescent Arete thread?

will be up the cliff on thursday.
Have had some good conditions all summer. just a bit rarer than the winter

SA Chris:
Pretty cold here, first time i have felt cold and wet combination this year, wouldn't surprise me if rain was falling as a dusting of snow/sleet on hills.

Have been on nothing but grit (routes) for nearly a month now. Good conditions for roped stuff, though drizzle forced me indoors this eve.


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