technical > music production

Midi Controllers

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Im quite new to this world of electronic music production. I am wondering if anybody has any advice for a basic midi controller (on a budget). At the moment the Korg Nano looks most apealing. and body got any knowlege of this, or other sub fifty quid keyboards?

Can't go wrong with the Novation Nocturn

Automaps to Ableton which is nice. Circa 60-70 rips. Plenty of info on web about it.


--- Quote from: napalm_life on September 04, 2009, 02:49:11 pm ---Im quite new to this world of electronic music production. I am wondering if anybody has any advice for a basic midi controller (on a budget). At the moment the Korg Nano looks most apealing. and body got any knowlege of this, or other sub fifty quid keyboards?

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Depends on what you want to control mate ? if you wana play keys then keyboard/novation . If you wana just hti pads for dums them Akia mpd

Probably not what you're after, but for DJing with Traktor the best thing to get would appear to the modified Vestax VCI-100 that DJ Tech Tools sell, the VCI-100SE. I'm going to get one in the autumn for doing rainy day mixes.

yeah it is a very good controller. looks slick to !


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