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TV/iplayer must watches

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Johnny Brown:
If you've spent any time in Yosemite/ Squamish/ J tree in the last ten years you're likely to have bumped into a few of those characters. Strange to see them on the telly


--- Quote from: Stubbs on October 06, 2009, 10:32:06 am ---
--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on October 06, 2009, 09:28:54 am ---Well worth a watch, unusually in depth insight into our little world...

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I didn't realise you lived in the faux-hippy-platitiude-spouting choad world  ??? I was somewhat embarrassed that people may now think that's what climbers are like.  There were some nice Yos shots though, overall it would have been a better program if they just showed those and left Potter out completely.

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I ignored the hippy-hyperbole and enjoyed the program for some stunning scenery and absolutely mind-blowing self-control/belief and skill.

peep show - brilliant


--- Quote from: Jim on October 06, 2009, 12:13:35 pm ---peep show - brilliant

--- End quote ---

 :agree: Standards have been maintained in the current series (i.e. brilliantly cringeworthy) :thumbsup:

Don't normally bother with stuff like this but the first series of Criminal Justice was really good so we watched the first episode of the second series last night. Looks like it might be as good as the first which, although flawed, was very entertaining.

Hmmm. Didn't mean to embed it but never mind!


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