Red Baron is certainly not V8
Also did the people who voted for V8 complete the problem - I don't think you are entitled to an opinion until you've topped out. After all, problems often feel easier when the technique finally clicks.
i agree with kim, if waiting for the "technique to click" is a required part of doing the problem then that should be represented in the grade. ok it might feel piss after that but hey once you've done a problem the grade is irrelevant. for example i find trackside at curbar about B5 now, but that doesn't mean its B5 for new visitors trying it for the first time. afterall guidebooks are really to guide a newcomer to an area to say whats worth trying or not. things should be graded for how it feels the first time you do something. after you've done it the grade is irrelevent.incidentally i think this is the very reason that the font grade is seen to cope badly with sub-grade-7 problems, cos they are graded for how hard they feel when you've done them 100times, like the guidbook writers generally have.
Think thats the most sense ive ever heard/read in regards to bouldering!
Also some opinions are worth more than others.
Red Baron, V8, Shipley Glen, Mike Hammill, his latest climber article he sees fit to give Fight on Black his much vaunted V8+ filler-in grade...
This site is for opinionated experts to tell each other (preferably in a wigga stylee) what they know to be the correct grade. The only arguments should be battles of one-upmanship about how far to downgrade stuff.....
boy does he have big hands! They are total shovels - does that effect the grade of this problem :wink: