places to visit > conditions reports (isitgreasy on twitter)

Anyone been to the Chew recently?


Just wondering how the routes were looking at Wimberry, Dovestones, and Ravenstones. I expect a little greenness, but was hoping they'd be dry at least?


--- Quote from: Drew on June 23, 2009, 08:35:08 pm ---Just wondering how the routes were looking at Wimberry, Dovestones, and Ravenstones. I expect a little greenness, but was hoping they'd be dry at least?

--- End quote ---

Standing Stones were fine when I went there back in April, I'd imagine they've not changed much.

AndiT & John Read have been up to the Ravenstones more recently...

paul hesketh:
I have, this morning, most if not all stuff will be dry at the moment

take a brush though if you are thinking of any difficult mountain routes or losing 3 points of contact as the crags tend to wear their verdant coats even during the summer

SD posting as PH as he can't re-register


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