(for some reason austia seems to retain a lingering affection for fascism)
I'm really disappointed Griffin hasn't the balls to wear a crew-cut.
Had the muppets at UKIP gained another 1000 votes Griffin wouldn't have been elected, I think if another 8,000 in Yorkshire and Humber had voted for any of the main three parties the other BNP arsehole wouldn't have been elected.
Now as much as I disagree with the BNP's policies, freedom of speech is freedom of speech. People gave up for their lives for it and despite the incumbent government trying their utmost to undermine it we should be celebrating that all political views are given a platform. As Sloper says; they can then be subjected to open and rigorous debate. Much better out in the open than allowed to fester and grow through ignorance and repression.
“I’ve never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the myth machine intobelieving that rape is such a serious crime...Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy it, so rape cannot be such a terriblephysical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence is a serious crime is like suggesting thatforcefeeding a women chocolate cake is a heinous crime. Women would be more inconvenienced by having herhandbag snatched.”Nick Eriksen fromer BNP candidate24th August 2005
Quote“I’ve never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the myth machine intobelieving that rape is such a serious crime...Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy it, so rape cannot be such a terriblephysical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence is a serious crime is like suggesting thatforcefeeding a women chocolate cake is a heinous crime. Women would be more inconvenienced by having herhandbag snatched.”Nick Eriksen fromer BNP candidate24th August 2005