the shizzle > buildering

A Load of New Buildering Topos

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Will Hunt:
Mores the point have you seen some of the grades that have been proposed for some of these "problems"? It's a fucking joke! Massive massive overestimations of grade fo shiz.

EDIT: Just seen Liam's done a complete over grade (there's an almost identical thing in Leeds), named it after himself and then proclaimed it a "total classic". Oh dear.


Yes, that is very laughable..

I bet he's claimed them on too  :lol: Winner

Liam Copley:
I must admit that the grades were actually pretty wrong, I uploaded all the photos and just gave them quick grades, and as if I would add buildering problems on lol,

Liam Copley:

--- Quote from: north_country_boy on March 28, 2009, 10:31:36 pm ---Fact 1 - Scunthorpe is a shit hole
Fact 2 - You would only go there to buy cod/pollock (even then Grimsby is better!)
Fact 3 - You could probably get to the Plantation from Scunthorpe by bicycle for before sunrise if you set off at 4am.
Fact 4 - Your posts are annoying
Fact 5 - You are crazy
Fact 6 - You are probably on Crack

--- End quote ---

Everything you said about scunthopr is probably true, I'm moving to sheffield at the end of next month, but the buildering is good here lol, and stanage is 55 miles away ( its apprently about 55 miles), I dont fancy that on my heavy bike!

but yeah, you might find my post annoying, soo, I probably wont come back on this website. Not much on here lol. 


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