the shizzle > buildering

A Load of New Buildering Topos

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--- Quote from: Liam Copley on March 29, 2009, 11:01:33 pm ---I probably wont come back on this website

--- End quote ---

Most sensible thing you've said on UKB lol :lol:

SA Chris:

--- Quote from: GCW on March 29, 2009, 11:20:03 pm ---lol :lol:

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--- Quote from: Liam Copley on March 29, 2009, 11:01:33 pm ---I probably wont come back on this website. Not much on here lol. 

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--- Quote from: Liam Copley in the future ---Does anyone have any beta on .......... I climb V8 like
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--- Quote from: Liam Copley in the future + 20 minutes ---Yo. I'm asking for help and no ones answering

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--- Quote from: Liam Copley in the future + 40 minutes ---Yeah well I forgot about the search function. lol.

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who's this "lol" guy everyone keeps refering to?


--- Quote from: dave on March 30, 2009, 09:59:17 am ---who's this "lol" guy everyone keeps refering to?

--- End quote ---

 ::)  oh Dave, get with the beat, man. Lol is the new word for "word".

word lol


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