technical > computers, technology and the internet

Twitter. Whats it all about?

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Its also very handy for blogging on the move as you can send messages via text (albeit at a cost), or if you have a smartphone with net usage in your deal there are apps such as Twibble which you can post and read things from.  This is the beauty of the @ukbouldering group as people can post details of crag conditions from their mobile when they arrive, you can either check conditions before you leave, or if you've Twibble or just a normal browser on your phone you can check them en route (providing your not actually driving  ;))

Maybe I'm just following the wrong people  ;)

Johnny Brown:

JB that's ace.

The Twitter of Dob is verrrrry exciting btw :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Fiend on March 24, 2009, 09:59:51 am ---JB that's ace.

--- End quote ---

Yeah its not bad is it  :P ;-)


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