the shizzle > the ukb t-shirt

Ok, shop is ready to go!

(1/6) > >>

There's a bit more testing I'd like to do but fuck it, I think it's ready to roll.

A few things:

- The shop runs slowly. Painfully so sometimes. Sorry but I can't get it any faster yet. The software is an early version, it will only get better.

- When you pay, the paypal will show "Mike Annesley" - that's me. If it doesn't say that then don't use it. I'm being paranoid there, it should be fine.

- If you live in Sheffield then I can drop them round or you can pick up to save on postage.

- Postage rates should be set up correctly for everywhere. If they are not showing for your region then don't order, contact me first on here.

- Any problems please post up here - I know this seems amateurish but I consider the whole shop to be "beta" due to the software being used and the fact that I'm being paranoid about this.

- I don't hold stock so I need to wait until I have quite a few orders then I'll do one print run to get the lot done at once. This keeps costs low and means I'm not having to visit the printers every day. Unfortunately this also means it may take a little while to get your garment, but I'll do it as fast as I can.

- I can find out from the printers next week whether other colours are ok to use too - I'm assuming I can use any colours bar black/white/maroon but I need to double-check with them first.

- Sizing info here:

Erm, I think that's it - please ask any questions/post any problems/etc here and I'll get it sorted as soon as I can....

I'm scared, I've never had a shop before - I've also not actually seen the finished product so I'm relying on the printers' good name and rep. I've seen some of their samples and they look really good though  :o  :thumbsup:

Mike Tyson:
You da man Bubba  :bow:

Will Hunt:
Finally! The big daddy of the NOC list goes down.

*excited dance*  :bounce:


--- Quote from: Will Hunt on March 21, 2009, 10:30:30 pm ---Finally! The big daddy of the NOC list goes down.

--- End quote ---

Worst kept we secret in uk climbing history really Will!!

Bubs, I'll txt you, for a family order!


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