places to visit > conditions reports (isitgreasy on twitter)

Any conditions reports for south peak Lime?

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--- Quote from: Andy F on May 05, 2009, 09:45:13 am ---Both IanP and myself thought that The Squealer was fantastic. Had a brief play on the route to the left and that was excellent as well. Didn't do Supercrack but all the others there who did raved about it. Very keen to check out Long Tor as well. It's a 2hr drive for me to get there, but one I'm prepared to make after Sunday's visit.

--- End quote ---
Goog effort, indeed and spread the word Andy. There are plenty of people, well less than 2 hours away missing out on some great climbing.

Andy F:
Anyone know what either Lorry Park or Long Tor will be like on Sunday given the downpour that's predicted before then?

I'm not too sure Andy, unless its torrential rain they might be ok. But you do have a long way to come, so you could be dissapointed!   :shrug:

Andy F:
How long does it take for the seepage to come through? If it's pretty quick then I'll probably give it a miss until later in the season. On another flava, are you going to Yorkshire in the half term? 

Don't think seepage will be a problem, its just how wet they get during the rain.  The Boltest at Long Tor might be a good bet if your interested. That route always seems to be dry!    Might be up in Yorkshire sometime next week.


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