places to visit > conditions reports (isitgreasy on twitter)

Post crag conditions, hot news, etc using SMS to ukBouldering's Twitter page

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--- Quote from: slack---line on March 05, 2009, 05:04:36 pm ---Others seem to be after the same thing
--- End quote ---
That's me :)

Good shout on the feed poster mod - that might well work. Never thought to look for that.

There are two mods that do this - one has been discontinued and the other only works on SMF 2.0 RC1. With SMF2.0 so close I might just wait until I upgrade and use the new mod - no point installing a mod that is about to die.


Slacks you are a hero - it works!

Installed the mod on the test board and it pulls the feed in just fine. SMF 2.0 allows for scheduled tasks so you just set it up to pull down the feed every 1/2 hour or whatever.

Are you going to feed that onto here, Bubbs?  Or will it just stay on the site?

Cool idea though.


--- Quote from: Bubba on March 05, 2009, 06:20:58 pm ---
Slacks you are a hero - it works!

Installed the mod on the test board and it pulls the feed in just fine. SMF 2.0 allows for scheduled tasks so you just set it up to pull down the feed every 1/2 hour or whatever.

--- End quote ---

 :thumbsup: All good  ;D

--- Quote from: GCW on March 05, 2009, 06:33:36 pm ---Are you going to feed that onto here, Bubbs?  Or will it just stay on the site?

Cool idea though.

--- End quote ---

Not wanting to put words into Bubba's mouth, but I have a strong suspicion it will end up in (see above highlighting  ;))


Yeah, the release of SMF 2.0 is imminent so when it's released and the mods that ukb needs are updated, this will get installed along with a general upgrade of the forums.


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