technical > music production

Dabbling in making techno

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Adam Lincoln:
What are the best packages out there for having a bash and making some techo. I use a mac so needs to be available for leopard.

Ableton Live V7.   Get a cracked version from a torrent site.  It's €400 new.  And if you haven't got near-field monitors find some excellent headphones.

Adam Lincoln:

--- Quote from: Houdini on December 23, 2008, 12:36:30 pm ---Ableton Live V7.   Get a cracked version from a torrent site.  It's €400 new.  And if you haven't got near-field monitors find some excellent headphones.

--- End quote ---

Cool, thanks Houd. I have excellent bose headphones.

Propellerheads Reason is fantastic and a lot of fun to use.

Again, find a snide copy as it's very expensive.

There is no one best package, different ones have their fans...

I like Reason, but it isn't simple to "dabble". 


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