Illegal use of Houndkirk Right Of Way by Vehicles (Read 207884 times)


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they'll probably have taken the plates off anyway.

Over the xmas period I was chatting to some walker at the hourkirk/lady thingy laybay, he was clearly incensed by the damage being caused too, so its good to know its not just just climbers/bikers, its pissing everyone off - hopefully something will get done.

john horscroft

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I'm sure you're all concerned about the occupants of the three abandoned 4x4's and I was lucky enough to bump into a walker yesterday who let me know that two of the drivers had to be airlifted to safety.  Diddums.......


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I hope they airlifted them homer simpson style, on a long cable twatting them into things as they flew.


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This maybe old news.

Running (yesterday) along from the Ringinglow end there is a burnt out small 4x4 and the gate has been smashed through. I was quite shocked to see the burnt out 4x4. Obviously this looks like joyriders who have had a go off roading and then ditched it rather than any illegal offroading.


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someone should go up and slash their tyres, put sugar in the fuel tanks etc. not that I would condone that kind of behaviour of course.

Hi Dave,

One of the vehicles in question (the Range Rover) is mine. I was not with the two Discos, they came up behind me and got stuck while I was trying to get mine out.

The reason it's still there is because the clutch has burnt out, we tried to get another Landy up there to tow it down but the snow was still too deep.

I know you weren't being 100% serious when you suggested slashing my tyres, and I'm sure you realise that by doing so you would only cause the vehicle to be stuck there for much, much longer!

As you seem quite keen for the vehicle to be moved, maybe you would like to come and give us a hand? We'll be up there again tonight, so feel free to come down and help out. Many hands make light work!

Oh, and Slack---line - My number plates are on display for all to see, nothing to hide here! Feel free to report me, although I don't know exactly what for as I haven't done anything wrong. Houndkirk Road doesn't have any double yellow lines on it as far as I can remember!

Cheers, Andy


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No, the burnt out clutch isn't the reason it's there, it's there because you engage in an anti social, destructive and totally wankerish activity.


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someone should go up and slash their tyres, put sugar in the fuel tanks etc. not that I would condone that kind of behaviour of course.

Hi Dave,

One of the vehicles in question (the Range Rover) is mine. I was not with the two Discos, they came up behind me and got stuck while I was trying to get mine out.

The reason it's still there is because the clutch has burnt out, we tried to get another Landy up there to tow it down but the snow was still too deep.

I know you weren't being 100% serious when you suggested slashing my tyres, and I'm sure you realise that by doing so you would only cause the vehicle to be stuck there for much, much longer!

As you seem quite keen for the vehicle to be moved, maybe you would like to come and give us a hand? We'll be up there again tonight, so feel free to come down and help out. Many hands make light work!

Oh, and Slack---line - My number plates are on display for all to see, nothing to hide here! Feel free to report me, although I don't know exactly what for as I haven't done anything wrong. Houndkirk Road doesn't have any double yellow lines on it as far as I can remember!

Cheers, Andy

Main point here:
If you'd not been up trying to drive on what is essentially a bridleway accross a beautiful piece of  moorland you wouldn't of got stuck.  Most people can drive on the large tarmac road between the A625 and ringinglow quite successfully and without f**king up the countryside. So excuse me if I hope someone pisses in your fuel tank.


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Why don't you say what you really think sloper, don't hold back.

Andy, obviously the tyres comment wasn't serious. As a law abiding motorist who was clearly unlucky enough to suffer a mechanical malfunction through no fault of your own I hope you get your car back.

I also trust that whenever you're up there and see any 4x4s going illegally off the track and trashing the moorland that you note the number plates, phone the copper on the number given earlier on this thread, and ideally as a fellow 4x4 driver go and discuss the error of their ways with them.

john horscroft

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I also trust that whenever you're up there and see any 4x4s going illegally off the track and trashing the moorland that you note the number plates, phone the copper on the number given earlier on this thread, and ideally as a fellow 4x4 driver go and discuss the error of their ways with them.

Spot on Dave.  This is the crux of the matter.  I often chat to 4x4 drivers on byways in the Peak and they're always from the 'responsible majority', know what they're doing, try to minimise their impact, blah, blah, blah.  So who the fuck is causing all the damage?  Aliens?  It's time for the 'responsible majority' to put up or shut up.  Start shopping the arseholes who cause the damage and threaten those who are quietly going about the business of enjoying the countryside.  What do you reckon Andy?


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Why don't you say what you really think sloper, don't hold back.

Andy, obviously the tyres comment wasn't serious. As a law abiding motorist who was clearly unlucky enough to suffer a mechanical malfunction through no fault of your own I hope you get your car back.

I also trust that whenever you're up there and see any 4x4s going illegally off the track and trashing the moorland that you note the number plates, phone the copper on the number given earlier on this thread, and ideally as a fellow 4x4 driver go and discuss the error of their ways with them.

You burn out a clutch by being a shit driver, a shit driver in a 4x4, driving off road = wanker.  Even if he was being 'law abiding' the fact that people use 4x4's in this manner attracts other wankers who aren't 'law abiding'.

'hmmm, this is a beautiful and fragile environment and clearly will be damaged by my actions, but you know what fuck it, fuck the walkers, the cyclists and everyone else  :whistle: going to fuck it up because I can, it's perfectly legal you know'.


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Oh, and Slack---line - My number plates are on display for all to see, nothing to hide here! Feel free to report me, although I don't know exactly what for as I haven't done anything wrong. Houndkirk Road doesn't have any double yellow lines on it as far as I can remember!

As this thread is about the illegal use of the Houndkirk Road I had (perhaps foolishly without verifying the above report myself) assumed the vehicles were off the official road and therefore illegal, hence the suggestion to report them!

As someone else who off-roads has pointed above there is a minority who do this ruining it for those who do stick to the agreed tracks.  I'd hope these law-abiding off-roaders report those in their brethren who are wrong-doers (or at the very least have a stern word with them about the errors of their ways with a threat to report if seen again).

 :-* :hug:


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Main point here:
If you'd not been up trying to drive on what is essentially a bridleway accross a beautiful piece of  moorland you wouldn't of got stuck.  Most people can drive on the large tarmac road between the A625 and ringinglow quite successfully and without f**king up the countryside. So excuse me if I hope someone pisses in your fuel tank.

Hi Snoopy,

I have to point out that you are factually incorrect. Houndkirk Road is not a bridleway - it is a road. Anyone can drive down there in whichever vehicle they choose. In fact you don't even need a 4x4 - I've driven my bus over Houndkirk a couple of times, got some great looks from the walkers!

Also, if anyone were to urinate into my fuel tank, they would be doing little to help the situation. Obviously the vehicle needs towing anyway, but it's a lot safer to tow with the engine running so that the brakes and steering have power.


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You burn out a clutch by being a shit driver, a shit driver in a 4x4, driving off road = wanker.  Even if he was being 'law abiding' the fact that people use 4x4's in this manner attracts other wankers who aren't 'law abiding'.

'hmmm, this is a beautiful and fragile environment and clearly will be damaged by my actions, but you know what fuck it, fuck the walkers, the cyclists and everyone else  :whistle: going to fuck it up because I can, it's perfectly legal you know'.

Hi Sloper,

You know perfectly well that walkers and cyclists cause just as much "damage" to the road as 4x4s. Would you like to see the road closed off completely, so that no one can enjoy it? Or would you like to see it turned into a smooth tarmac surface, from one end to the other? Please try to have a little more respect for your fellow road users. I'm afraid you have come across as a bit of a cock.

I would love to take you out for a drive in my Rangey once the clutch is sorted, then you might appreciate what it's all about. I'll even let you have a go in it yourself, provided you have a license and some insurance of course!

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So come on then Andy, what is your view of your fellow 'off-roaders' who are severely and permanently damaging the moorland as well as damaging the reputation of all law-abiding off-roaders? And what would be your suggestion to stop this illegal activity?


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You burn out a clutch by being a shit driver, a shit driver in a 4x4, driving off road = wanker.  Even if he was being 'law abiding' the fact that people use 4x4's in this manner attracts other wankers who aren't 'law abiding'.

'hmmm, this is a beautiful and fragile environment and clearly will be damaged by my actions, but you know what fuck it, fuck the walkers, the cyclists and everyone else  :whistle: going to fuck it up because I can, it's perfectly legal you know'.

Hi Sloper,

You know perfectly well that walkers and cyclists cause just as much "damage" to the road as 4x4s. Would you like to see the road closed off completely, so that no one can enjoy it? Or would you like to see it turned into a smooth tarmac surface, from one end to the other? Please try to have a little more respect for your fellow road users. I'm afraid you have come across as a bit of a cock.

I would love to take you out for a drive in my Rangey once the clutch is sorted, then you might appreciate what it's all about. I'll even let you have a go in it yourself, provided you have a license and some insurance of course!

I've heard that bollocks from some twats on stanage causeway, and it's first rate self serving bullshit.  I know I am on the chunky side but even at my most obese I weigh considerably less that a fucking range rover, in short your statement that walkers do as much damage as off road 4x4 just show's that you're an ignorant wanker blind to the facts.

As for having respect for fellow road users, you mean like having headlights at the eye level of ordinary drivers, coupled with xenon bulbs that are so bright they can dazzle and be a danger?

4x4 vehicles such as range rovers are almost without exception (viz the folk who need them (eg mates who drag around horseboxes and things out of fields)) are driven by antisocial wankers with little regard for the environment and others.

Finally, the route in question may be classed as a road, but so fucking what, you're helping destroy part of a unique and vulnerable habitat, <puts on affectation of Valley Girl> 'go you'.

Sorry but in my book you're up there with the little pricks that race their modified Corsass around car parks at night and drive everywhere with 'banging choooons' blasting out of their cars, in the class of antisocial wankers.

Yes I would see this track closed completely to motorised vehicles.  I won't punter you as that would be a waste, you're beneath that.


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So come on then Andy, what is your view of your fellow 'off-roaders' who are severely and permanently damaging the moorland as well as damaging the reputation of all law-abiding off-roaders? And what would be your suggestion to stop this illegal activity?


Firstly, I'm not an "off - roader!" I only drive on roads. Preferably unsurfaced ones, but they are roads all the same.

My suggestion would be to create a designated area for 4x4s to play in, legally. The fact that we are losing more and more of our rights of way is only going to encourage people to drive where they shouldn't. I suggest allowing 4x4s to drive on the area at the summit of houndkirk. There should be clear signage to state where you can and cannot drive. There should also be clear warnings of the consequences for anyone who does stray from the designated area. I think people will be less tempted to carve their own path through the moors if there is a decent quality bit of land that they can legally have fun on.


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I've heard that bollocks from some twats on stanage causeway, and it's first rate self serving bullshit.  I know I am on the chunky side but even at my most obese I weigh considerably less that a fucking range rover, in short your statement that walkers do as much damage as off road 4x4 just show's that you're an ignorant wanker blind to the facts.

As for having respect for fellow road users, you mean like having headlights at the eye level of ordinary drivers, coupled with xenon bulbs that are so bright they can dazzle and be a danger?

4x4 vehicles such as range rovers are almost without exception (viz the folk who need them (eg mates who drag around horseboxes and things out of fields)) are driven by antisocial wankers with little regard for the environment and others.

Finally, the route in question may be classed as a road, but so fucking what, you're helping destroy part of a unique and vulnerable habitat, <puts on affectation of Valley Girl> 'go you'.

Sorry but in my book you're up there with the little pricks that race their modified Corsass around car parks at night and drive everywhere with 'banging choooons' blasting out of their cars, in the class of antisocial wankers.

Yes I would see this track closed completely to motorised vehicles.  I won't punter you as that would be a waste, you're beneath that.

Hi Sloper,

I'm afraid you've just confirmed my suspicions - you are indeed a cock. And an unintelligent one, at that.


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Firstly, I'm not an "off - roader!" I only drive on roads. Preferably unsurfaced ones, but they are roads all the same.

I think (and please do correct me if I'm wrong) the term you're looking for is "Green Roads", although not all permit the use of motorised vehicles (Peak District National Park information).

My suggestion would be to create a designated area for 4x4s to play in, legally. The fact that we are losing more and more of our rights of way is only going to encourage people to drive where they shouldn't.

I'm not attempting to insult your intelligence but anyone who thinks that because they are loosing areas they can legally drive they should sack off any notion of being responsible and instead going wherever they want clearly doesn't understand why they are loosing legal areas in the first place and is only compounding the problem further and digging they're own graves.

I suggest allowing 4x4s to drive on the area at the summit of houndkirk. There should be clear signage to state where you can and cannot drive. There should also be clear warnings of the consequences for anyone who does stray from the designated area.

Last time I went past this was already in place.....and being ignored!

I think people will be less tempted to carve their own path through the moors if there is a decent quality bit of land that they can legally have fun on.

Thats what the route over Houndkirk currently is, but some twats are ignoring the rules, signs and warnings and ruining it for those who are responsible enough to recognise the consequences of their actions.

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Firstly, I'm not an "off - roader!" I only drive on roads. Preferably unsurfaced ones, but they are roads all the same.
Apologies I didn't use the correct terminology. So I'm guessing your not a member of the 'Association of Off-Roaders'.  My knowledge of your chosen activity is mainly based on watching this documentary...

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You can be justified in calling Sloper many things, but sadly unintelligent is not one of them.

You know perfectly well that walkers and cyclists cause just as much "damage" to the road as 4x4s.

This however is not the opinion of an open, intelligent mind. Its the remark of a retard. Walkers cause a little damage, cyclists a little more, off-roaders blow them out of the water and make other's contributions irrelevant. Ten years ago Stanage causeway was a beautiful paved road that had survived centuries of foot, pony and bike traffic. Since then it has been destroyed by 4x4 drivers. Not only that, but the presence of traffic on that road is offensive to damn near all other users of the area. Its selfish, antisocial, and damaging.

My suggestion would be to create a designated area for 4x4s to play in, legally.

A great idea. I'd suggest recently disused quarries and gravel pits outside National Parks, where your erosion will have limited impact and your visual and noise pollution will be limited as much as possible.

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Fucking hell, Andyrange, I don't know where to start.

1.  I could ride over Houndkirk on my mountain bike for the next ten years and I still wouldn't cause the damage one badly driven Landy can cause in one pass. :wall:

2.    :rtfm:  You don't get to decide that the summit of Houndkirk is a good place for 4x4 enthusiasts to drive.  That area is a SSSI, (Site of Special Scientific Interest).  If you drive on it, you're commiting a criminal offence.  As Slackers said, there are signs up there informing those who choose not to run them over that it is illegal to drive on the moor.  Unfortunately, 4x4 owners treat them as targets rather than sources of information. 

3.  All you've demonstrated is a total lack of respect for the law, those who use the moors for quiet recreation, logic and the facts.  Frankly, I've argued for constructive engagement with the 4x4 fraternity in the past  but I've decided now that you can all go and fuck yourselves.............


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JB & John, there's little to add, (but I will) but Andy, you're losing your rights of way because the right of way that was granted was granted in an age before 4x4 and the expectation of the twats that would want to drive them; a drovers route from the 18th century is not appropriate as a drivers route in the 21st.

Now then, back in character, what sort of fucktarded wanker are you?  Are you the sort of sub daily mail reading moron who thinks that it's time to emigrate to Spain because there's too many immigrants or am I being kind?  I have seen places I have known and loved for over a quarter of a century be raped by cunts like you who have the aesthetic awareness of an omeba and the social skills of a rabid mongoose.

As a lawyer I hope your property isn't damaged, but I just have this thought, I wonder if we can arrange for Andyrange's vehicle to be removed by the police and stored (at the usual commercial rates) as there are reasonable grounds for believing that he's committed various offences under the relavent countryside legisation.  I don't know but I'll be on the phone to the relevent people tomorrow to see whether this can be done.

(I reckon the cost of recovery and storage will be about £1k

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A bunch of snow-stuck cars on peak roads got burnt out over the last few weeks. Logic would imply the only people to have been able to access them would have been 4x4 drivers. I wonder if they'd go for one of their own? Either way Andy, I'd be doing everything in your power to move that car asap.


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There were also some off road chavs on quad bikes in the area who could also have been responsible, and some nordic skiers as well.


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Just thought you guys might be happy to hear that some cunt nicked my wheels last night. Now i have no fucking clue how i'm going to get the thing back. Cheers for all the kind words guys and I'm sorry for calling sloper an unintelligent cock.


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