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My draws are in a state and need replacing. Anyone got any recommendations for some good sport climbing draws?


--- Quote from: Clart on November 26, 2008, 02:00:25 pm ---My draws are in a state and need replacing. Anyone got any recommendations for some good sport climbing draws?

--- End quote ---

Outside, Rock and Run, V12, Joe Browns and Needlesport would be a good start  :P

Paul B:
I went for the Petzl draws as they have a nice fat tape and I seem to always get my fingers stuck in wire gates. They were however, expensive!
I believe Wild Country do some draws aimed at sport but I could be wrong.

petzl spirit are great for red-pointing (nice big handles), if you wanted super light-weight for on-sight climbing on some long cruxless euro jug routes the Black Diamond Oz are good (from personal experience).


These are tres bon value. Nice fat tape, solid and not a hint of nasty wire gates. Plus i think you can get 15% off through a premier post on UKC iirc.


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