guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house.... (Read 7941 times)


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guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 27, 2003, 06:30:15 pm
....with a fat dick for your muthafukkin mouth.


Yo yo yo bigup yourselves, its non other than the notorious walkley G, DGP, bringing the mediteranean flava on your ass, bitch!

I rolled back into tha hood this PM, before i've had a mo to update my site and ting i just push a coupla ting on there, the dopest photos from sardiniaside granit, innit? check my bad self:

Dope flared crack font 6a+
Ill jamming crack font 6a+
Some sunrise flava this morning, font 6a+ to get out of bed
A bitchin layback in the shade
Some random fritz on an easy route
A sick view (no photoshop, the sea IS that colour)
Unthugging a traverse font 6b+
delic8 shit word font 6b+
handz that do dishes can be soft as your face

there will be more 2 follow in the fulness of thyme. word.


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#1 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 27, 2003, 07:54:37 pm
So....wheres the cheapest place for flights to Sardinia..... :wink:


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#2 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 27, 2003, 08:09:28 pm
i don't know whether that place is da che-che-check de koney or da che-che-check da money!

Jeez, looks like a top-notch venue - what's the rock like on the hands? Looks like it might be rough-assed for shizzle.


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#3 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 27, 2003, 08:39:30 pm
i fink da cheapest ting 4 flightz is ryanair to alghero, but that airport is about as far as possible from all the climbing, or the bouldering.

The photos are from a couple of areas here and here (the latter being 4km from our hotel) and the layback one was a random bit of coastline. the german on a route is at capo testa.

The rock is rough granite, but varies all over the place. The entire bit of the places we saw all on the very northmost point of the island is just dripping with rock. A lot of the rock i climbed on had that wierd granit crystally-crispyness on the surface, so macro features like scoops and cracks were sound but micro features like crimps etc could just fall apart, so you have to be carefull. Also its difficult where you have to walk your feet up like on grit cos it can come right off. Most of it is bo though, and to be honest when its 32degress you can do without crimps.

On the first place i reached round a bulge from a sitstart, found a crimp, pulled on it and brought off a housebrick sized lump whcih landed next to my head. Also fell off from a 8ft roof headfirst into the ground (missing the mat and landing where i had just shifted some rocks from) which shat my biatch up a bit.

All the places with rock are brilliantly architectured though, you could take thousands of photos. the sea there is turquoise, and the biatches are thonged up to the nines. Also at one place i nearly trod on a 14inch long tortoise just sat beneath a bush.


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#4 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 28, 2003, 06:44:28 pm
Sounds like Sardinia is shall we say, "da bomb" what ho, my old chap....

Just got back from Corsica and there is much potential there. I'm going to do a little article with piccies of the stuff I found there which was a bit of a task in itself. There is rock fucking everywhere but to get to a lot of it you'd have to be very fond of being torn to bits by sharp thorns.

Only really bouldered 3 days as this wasn't exactly a climbing trip, and getting around the island is slow progress due to the fun but very windy roads.

Found one place by the sea just outside Ajaccio which had the most stunning granite formations but without a big spotting crew, a wire brush and sweatproof skin, was a bit of a dissapointment. Rock was a bit crunchy, and the landings were appalling.

But, did make a classic find in a place called "Valdu di Saltu"  which I found via searching for corse bloc in google and deciphering the French directions.
This place is high on a hill about 20 miles inland from Propriano. To get to it involves 3 miles of dirt track to the middle of nowhere but the result is superb quality granite boulders in beautiful, deserted woodland. The place isn't fully developed yet and I don't want to hype it too much, but lets say it's like about 20 Plantations in size (and I didn't see it all) and there is one hell of a lot of stuff yet to be done, in addition to about 2-300 problems (?) that are already there, from very easy to very hard.

Pics and an article to follow...


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#5 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 29, 2003, 10:31:12 pm
Some Corsica pics:


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#6 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 30, 2003, 08:28:50 am
Oh.Mi.gOsh! Who is that hunk of burning love?


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#7 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 30, 2003, 08:34:22 am
Cheeky fecker  :wink:

I'm on a 2.5 calorie a day diet at the moment in preparation for the cold winter!


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#8 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 30, 2003, 08:47:44 am
i found after 2 weeks on hols eating a full continental endless buffet breakfast, eating nothing but crisps and ice-cream during the day and then a 4-5 course italian meals in the evening (generally loads of bread, pasta, rich meat like veal etc and all obviously laced with olive oil) and doing practically no excersise i seem to have lost weight. Got weighed sunday nite at 8PM (the heaviest time of the day) and the needle was almost down to 12 stone!!! :o  :shock:

Sadly i recon 2 weeks of takeaways while my kitchen is ripped out aught to redress the balance. :(


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#9 guess who's back in tha muthafukkin house....
September 30, 2003, 08:52:08 am
I hate you - you obviously weren't trying hard enough on the food stakes. You obviously missed out morning pain au chocolat and obviously didn't drink anywhere near enough to pep your gut properly.

I'm not even going to say what the needle swings to on our scales but let's say that it's put me into a panic health regime before the inevitable heart attack occurs whilst walking up to the plantation. Target weight 12.5 stone - if I ever get there then I'll be strong like a bull. A very weak bull.


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never fear, the breakfast buffet had unlimited pain au chocolat!!! and had at least a half bottle of local wine at night. Maybe you're right, i should have been taking the eating a bit more seriously. If i didn't hate cheese i could have hit hard on the deep fried ricotta-filled pastries drenched in hot honey then seemed to serve everywhere, mmmmm calories.


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Half a bottle? Pah! Lightweight! 2 large Heineken's as the sun went down, followed by a bottle each for the rest of the evening....

"My name's Bubba and I'm an alcoholic...."

I really don't think the alcohol helps calorie wise, plus it dehydrates which also doesn't help. Considering a while of no drinking to get my tolerance levels back down to something reasonable.

Now onto cheese. Therein perhaps lies the problem. I can easily eat a whole camembert if I have the munchies. Cheese is more or less banned at home, but it's hard to turn down on holiday.


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i don't really like lager, and didn't want to look like a student knecking back full bottles of wine in a restaraunt (when a student used to drink a bottle between sitting down and the starter arriving).

I think me not liking cheese is a godsend! But i recon the fondness for chips, bacon and currys (not all at once) is a stumbling block)

When in italy having italian meals where everything is nice a seperate, bit of meat on a plate, any veg seperate, salad, nice starters etc I was wondering what they would make of sitting them down over here, bringing in a rolled-up paper package from the chippy, depositing a kilo of vinegar-soaked chips on their plate, a battered sausage, a tub of mushy peas and then a liberal dousing of brown sause and then 2 slices of Sunblest on the side to mop up with and saying "this is your starter, main course and desert". I can just see their faces now. :shock:


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well, you're on holiday, enjoy yourself! I came back from Ibiza under 10 stone, think it was the healthy regime of jogging on the spot in sweaty aircraft hangers that did it.


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Jeesuz, that is some serious wine abuse!

Yeah, the euro's would prolly eat shit at the thought of a Brit chippy special for lunch.

I do like the Mediterranean attitude to food though - if you don't take at least an hour over lunch you're some sort of a freak. Was listening to something on the radio t'other day which was reckoning that the French have much lower heart disease than us (despite their love of lardy foods) because they take much longer to eat. Who knows?


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Quote from: "dobbin"
well, you're on holiday, enjoy yourself! I came back from Ibiza under 10 stone, think it was the healthy regime of jogging on the spot in sweaty aircraft hangers that did it.

Back in't day (eee, when I were a lad  :wink: ) of clubbing abuse, I'd have to eat as much as possible throughout the week just to keep from wasting away. My record was 5 lbs lost at one allnighter, and that was two days after so it wasn't just water loss. Probably not the healthiest way of dieting mind.


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only problem with the slow eating is that the french and italians have their main meal at midday and lasting about 6 hours, which means as a tourist when in the hottest part of the day you wanna be getting out of the sun and into air-conditioned shops, museums etc you can't cos they are all sat around a big table outdoors eating pasta with suntanned elderly (90+) relatives like in the Olivio adverts.


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Quote from: "Bubba"
Considering a while of no drinking

 :shock: :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Are you mad?
I tried this once for a week, needless to say I didn't like it and won't ever be doing it again


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I've had a month off several times in the past, and felt much better for it.

I like alcohol, but it's like anything, if you go beyond moderation it just gets boring, like being stoned all the time...


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True, I got bored of being constantly high a long time ago. But drinking is completely different. If I don't constantly top up my fuel cells with the glorious liquid that is green king ipa I might just stop working


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i gotta concur IPA is proper bo.


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I'll drink to that


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I have considered trying a drink free week. I might even get round to actually doing it one day, but a month?!! I reckon I'd crumble and turn to religion if I had to do without wine and beer for that long.


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I recon i could go months without drinking, but it would mean not going to the pub and being antisocial. I wouldn't be able to sit in a pub and pay £1.80 for a pint of coke poured from a 70p bottle of asda coke behing the bar, when i could have a pint of landlords for the same money.

Could handle being in a bar and not drinking as a student when a pint of coke was 30p, but not these days.


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I've got 2 young kids, so I am by definition pretty antisocial these days, but I still feel like a drink as soon as we've got the little buggers to bed.

A couple of bottles of Old Speckled Hen and a £4 bottle of wine keeps me sane, if a little argumentative towards the end of the night.


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