the shizzle > food & drink

What with Lamb Shanks?

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Will Hunt:
I'm cooking to impress tomorrow and need to know what to have with my sexy looking lamb shanks. I was thinking mashed spuds but need a way to liven this up. Flatmate suggested onion mash but not sure if I've ever had this. I'm sure I'd like it but she might not. Is this onion mash shizzle easy to love and prepare?
What else? Carrots seem a bit boring?

Basically I'm a clumsy and unimaginative bastard in the kitchen and need something that's going to be easy, tasty and special. UKB, your mission has been set!

Paul B:
Thyme Cafe (Sheff) do a really nice curried lamb shank with a nice smooth mash Mmmmmm.

I've also had one with polenta which was nice.

Carrots don't have to be boring; they are nice honey-glazed and very easy to prepare: here and here

Onion mash should be easy, just google it :)

One from the Thyme cookbook is to get a load of fresh baby spinach - blanch it in boiling water then fry it in some nice butter for a few minutes. Then soak the butter off with some kitchen towel and serve. Not exactly health-food but very yummy.

How are you cooking the shanks? The slower the better imho to get that tender, fall of the bone, slightly glutinous thing going on.

Good luck!

Will Hunt:
Cheers Bubs. Quite like the baby spinach idea, that should be nice with the mash.

Cheesy mustard mash is the best!


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