the shizzle > equipment

good new shoes for wide feet?

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Currently using some 5:10 Gambits. Only had them 2 months, but they're bending around the toes on smaller edges, now that trickier problems are getting trickier. obviously that's no good, but can't fault the shoes, they were probably too big in the first place and may have stretched a bit. (May do post to sell them for £45. this reasonable for newish seconds?)

So, I need some fitting shoes, for trickier probs. I apparently have wide feet (e.g. the Anazazis hurt lots).

Tried on the Sportiva Katana, and they fit like a glove even on very small edges and when pointing (at size 8, and my street size is 11). Do they stretch much? And are they technically a good shoe? And do Sportiva differ from boot to boot even when they state the same size (e.g. like 5:10) so the ones in the shop are the same size as the internet ones. I'm not that fussed about long-use comfort, as I prefer bouldering. Think I'll get these, but would be grateful for any other suggestions for good new boots for wide feet before i splash the cash.

I really liked my Boreal Joker Velcros and I have wide feet.
Some people have sneered at them but I much preferred them to my anazasis...

Johnny Brown:
Get some Anasazis, live with the pain for the first fortnight and then enter a world of boot heaven. I have feet like pork chops.


--- Quote from: Breaded_Gecko on November 18, 2008, 07:39:33 pm ---And are they technically a good shoe? And do Sportiva differ from boot to boot even when they state the same size (e.g. like 5:10) so the ones in the shop are the same size as the internet ones.

--- End quote ---

Sportiva tend to be very consistent. But buy them from the shop you got service from. It's only polite.

The Katanas are a good shoe, well made etc. But like most sportiva shoes they do stretch a lot, so it's probably better to err on the small/painful side when you buy them.


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