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--- Quote from: Franco on October 31, 2021, 10:44:24 am ---Any psyche for a national one?

Would be wizard to have a proper list of all the LGPs in Cornwall/ Scotland etc...

--- End quote ---

I found the old site by chance and thought the lists were great. This kind of thing nationwide would be hard to make in any way thorough, but if it starts with a transfer of grit stuff, at least it'd be off the ground, with the scope for expansion as people begin to add to it.

I did start adding Cheshire stuff to the old gritlist as it's a similar style. Likewise, the North York Moors list was good and could be included. I guess there are other outcrop type areas like Dartmoor and Northumberland that could link in eventually too if people had the interest

Neil F:
I pointed Readza at this thread, Mark. I think he's going to get in touch with you (though possibly via UKC?).


I'd be happy to help out, sounds like a fun project.

Having said that, is it something that could work as a UKC ticklist? You could just add the projects to the crag like a normal route (I think there might even be an option for a 'project' grade?) and then collect them all together in a ticklist.

Will Hunt:
Not really. The appeal was it being split by area and grade and ordered by safety with notes included on best ascent style.


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