Da News (Read 1553598 times)


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#950 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:02:38 am


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#951 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:04:54 am
I'm half surprised he wasn't compensated for his hand injury- loss of earnings and all that shit.

SA Chris

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#952 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:05:57 am

 'What are you doing with your arm in my car?' He replied 'It wasn't me'.



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#953 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:08:07 am
That doesn't suprise me at all.


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#954 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:09:18 am

 'What are you doing with your arm in my car?' He replied 'It wasn't me'.


"he had been desperate to get home to Hull." glad to see we're exporting our finest to Barnsley  ;)


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#955 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:14:18 am
  'What are you doing with your arm in my car?' He replied 'It wasn't me'.

I think we have the culprit.


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#956 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:20:12 am


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#957 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:22:39 am
That kids a twat if he admitted to theft, he clearly didn't get away with anything to it was attempted theft, no?  (Sloper, please correct me if I'm wrong, which I probably am).

Its pretty stupid, almost on a par with New Zealand's dumbest criminal


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#958 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:25:39 am
Just read the end of the article and WTF?

Julian Brook, defending, said: "He was sat on his doorstep at home when a van pulled up and asked if he wanted to go with them and do some work.

"He has been working with the travelling community for several weeks but they wouldn't allow him home.

"He was threatened with assault so he sneaked off.

"He did not have enough for a bus so he tried to steal a car."

Some fucking defence that is!!  Just because you can't afford a bus its ok to steal a car, try using those two things protruding from the bottom of your torso, they might actually get you somewhere, unlike your head which clearly isn't being used and wouldn't get you anywhere even if it was engaged.

SA Chris

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#959 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 10:29:07 am
It REALLY wasn't me.

He's a Weegie, therefore must have comitted a crime that deserved a year at some point in his life anyway.



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#960 Re: Da News
August 18, 2009, 03:53:09 pm


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#961 Re: Da News
August 19, 2009, 07:32:25 am
It always comes back to  :greed: :greed: :greed:


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#962 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 09:46:39 am
Just need to treat the rest of the population with the same degree of respect and stop dragging your heels after the EU ruled that retaining DNA samples and genotypes of innocent people is not allowed you bunch of slack, piss-poor excuses for politicians  :spank: :wall: :wank:


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#963 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 09:49:13 am
Don't worry you can help by voting them out at the next election.


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#964 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 01:17:27 pm
Don't worry you can help by voting them out at the next election.

And they'll be replaced by......the same old fucking bullshit  :thumbsdown:


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#965 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 02:39:00 pm
And your alternative suggestion is what exactly? Lib fucking Dem?

By your deeds shall you be known is if trite none the less useful in forming a view in matters political and let's leave the Tories policies aside for the moment (and yes their policies are less than fully formed) and think what Labour has done on the domestic front.

1. Introduced tuition fees,
2. introduced id card
3. sought to introduce detention without charge for 90 days, etc
4. sought to abolish trial by jury
5. reformed the banking regulation system and regardless of the causes or not of the current crisis this did not achieve its objectives.
6. imposed means testing on things like criminal legal aid thereby introducing a two tier criminal law system
7. privatised things like the nuclear weapons establishment, now even Kith Jospeh on crack wouldn't think that nuclear weapons and the profit motive are good bed fellows.
8. privatised parts of the NHS, see ISTC etc
9. and have I mentioned the economy?
10 or unemployment?

This bastard government, the son of thatcherite market economics and dewey eyed romantic student socialism should have been aborted in utero: will the next government be any better, well I'm not sure.  I hope (nay even nearly pray) that it will but let's face it, it can hardly be any worse.


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#966 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 02:46:16 pm
I think Slackers is voicing his apathy for ALL of the political parties in the UK - which is certainly something I feel (apologies if I am wrong there SL). Sadly, politics in the UK has a sense of 'choosing the lesser of evils' rather than 'I want to vote for them'....

That  - is a shame, whatever side of the political spectrum you come from


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#967 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 02:52:40 pm
Oh I vote (although as I pointed out in the European Elections when my ballot paper was marked by the fuckwits at the polling station I do not divulge who I vote for in a secret ballot).

I just can't stand the stasis of a two party system who are essentially the same.  Neither stands for the traditional values that historically they have (as you've ably demonstrated wit your list of items which includes a fair few privatisations of traditionally public sector areas), and both will just roll over to be seen to be doing what they think will get them the majority of votes.

Neither has any impetus to change this status quo to say some form of proportional representation that might actually reflect the desires of a vast majority of disenchanted voters, although I'd hate to see things go the way they have in Australia where you get fined for not voting as youthen have a bunch of uninformed idiots screwing up the system by voting randomly simply to avoid a fine.

I thought the Conservatives started privatising the NHS on their way out, they did the same for public utility companies and the RailNetworks didn't they?

I just don't think that having the Tories back in power (and it will unfortunately be them*) will actually make any difference, they'll tow the line and keep on doing what they think will keep them in power, regardless of any promises or policies they may blow their trumpet about.

If Lib Dem were by some miracle to get a majority then we would be afforded the chance to see if they will, as they have said they will do for years, bring in a PR as opposed to First Past The Post system, which would radically change the playing field forever.  Yes there are pitfalls to a PR system, but they're not as bad (well certainly no worse) than those of a First Past The Post approach.

*Mainly due to the mass of idiots who say things like "Well I would vote for someone other than Labour/Conservative, but they've no one else has a chance of getting in", of course not you fucking twat and its precisely because of that sort of dumb attitude  :wall:.


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#968 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 02:59:39 pm
I agree that the current fptp system gives the appearance of a duopoly, however it's less than a century since Labour were a fringe party and the duopoly was Tory / Liberal.

Personally I see a fragmentation on the supposed left and the decline and virtual death of labour (Greame keep calm
deary) with the Lib Dems taking the leftist center ground and the Tories the rightish center.

As for privatising the utilities, other than rail this has tended to have produced higher levels of service and lower costs.  Some privatisations work, others do not.  Those that do not are those where there is no true markets, eg nuclear weapons, air traffic control etc.  Now then just a quick one the Labour govt looks as if it wants to sell of the forensive sience service.  <mc enroe moment. you cannot be serious, no you cannot be fucking serious cont on p 94

PR would be a fucking nightmare with all sorts of nutters, UKIP, BNP, Greens getting elected and with the consequence of government always being one step away from chaos: look at Isreal for a good example.  If we need electoral reform and I am not pursuaded that we do we should shift to the stv method and have compulsary voting.


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#969 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 03:16:25 pm
But if none of the parties are really left/middle/right anymore then whats the fucking point in having "parties" in the traditional sense?  Why not have decent people who listen to their electorate and represent their electorates view point in parliament as opposed to some false allegiance to some set of outdated ideals?

I guess in a sense thats why you're advocating STV, but then are either Labour or the Tories going to bring this in?  Are they fuck!  So we're stuck with the shit situation we're in.....indefinitely.

With the number of apathetic, poorly educated politically unaware, or just plain uninterested in politics people out there I don't think voting should be compulsory, as I wrote, you'll get people going along just to avoid a fine and it would screw up the system.

Oh and another electoral reform I'd like to see is a box for "None of the above cunts"  :P


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#970 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 03:43:10 pm
If there's one thing that's guaranteed to make me seethe, it's this term "voter apathy". There are people all over the coutry using this term to cover up the fact that they're too bone fucking idle to get off their fat arses and get down to the polling booth.

Apathy is absolutely no reason at all to accept the status quo. People moan and moan about the government (whoever it is) and when there's an election you finally get your only chance to do something about it, to express your displeasure or satisfaction with the current governement in a way that actually has some influence.  Why then do people say all the parties are the same and not bother voting?! It's beyond me!

At the very least go and vote so you can be smug and say "well, I didn't vote for them cunts" when the next shower of bastards fucks up.

I'm not having a go at anyone, just venting my anger and frustration. If I hear the phrase "they're all the same" I will demand satisfaction though  ;)

/rant over - sorry


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#971 Re: Da News
August 20, 2009, 05:40:10 pm
Shame Cameron doesn't have the cahuna's to bring in PR. That could make me vote for his party. I would probably vomit in the polling booth in the process, but thats the sort of magnitude of change I think is needed.

Incidentally, I interviewed my MP (Diana Johnson) yesterday for part of a research project I'm involved with. She seems to be a very caring and attentive MP - to her constituents needs. It was quite a fillip to talk to someone so obviously motivated by helping the people she represents rather than the tarnished crook image we tend to have of MP's in general. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed - but I was impressed by her attitude. 

Funny system we have. I would vote for her at the election as she seems to do a good job looking after W.Hulls needs, but might not vote for her because of the Labour Govt. Therein lies another problem...

Ach, developing a headache. not sure if its thinking about politics or cricket...  ;)


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#972 Re: Da News
August 21, 2009, 09:17:52 am
Anyway, enough politics, I'm sure there's a thread somewhere for that.

Common sense really

Palgirism : the copying of another person's ideas, text, or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission

There were a number of different types of game on offer, including a tank shooter set at the start of the Iran-Iraq war, a platform adventure set in Persia, an adventure game where you play the role of a girl called Sara; a young student caught up in events during the early stages of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and a role-playing game called Age of Pahlevans based on Iranian mythology.

I wonder if Sara wears a burka?


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#973 Re: Da News
August 21, 2009, 09:29:51 am
a platform adventure set in Persia

a bit like this you recon?


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#974 Re: Da News
August 21, 2009, 09:37:35 am
I always wondered what "palgirism" meant.


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